General Information
Abstracts for Oral presentations are welcomed in the 18 Micro-symposia listed under the Program page. Outside these topics preference for an Oral presentation can be indicated (you may list as MS-19) but cannot be guaranteed. Poster presentations on any aspect relating to the Crystallographic sciences are welcomed. Unless specifically mentioned by the authors, it will be assumed that submissions that cannot be accepted for Oral presentation because of time constraints will be automatically considered as a Poster presentation. It is hoped that the program of Oral presentations will be finalized and confirmation sent to contributed speakers by late September. For Abstract submission please download the Abstract template. Please edit this MS word file and follow the formatting instructions detailed inside it. Please strictly observe the format instructions otherwise the Abstract may be returned to you for re-editing; figures are allowed, but please limit them to 1MB maximum file size. The abstracts will be collected and distributed to conference delegates on a thumb-drive at the conference; only those with at least one registered author will be included. The abstract template also contains various fields on an information page please fill out as completely as possible:
Please upload your edited Abstract-template via the Online Registration System. For your benefit an on-line Registration system is being set-up and should be ready in early August. You may carry out your Registration and Abstract submission once this is available. If you wish to edit/replace your abstract, please do so through the Registration System before 15 September 2013. |